Sunday 28 February 2016


Lost in the wilderness

We are lost in the miasmal darkness
With inadequate tools to help us find
Our way to the unbroken kingdom
We are lost in the labyrinth of words
For we are incapable of naming
The essence of blood or fire or star
We are far from hearing wise voices
Or signs in the wilderness we have to
Resign ourselves to fragments of bone
& obscure purposes that cannot
Be made clear by the light of reason
We pretend that we have made progress with
Liturgies that cannot adequately
Describe the sheer fullness of Being
Yet there’s a reassuring, spectral wind
From Time’s distant, long forgotten shores that
Still stirs intermittingly through the cracks
In the frail and all too human structure

Freedom Tower

Monolithic glass structure
Proudly reflecting the sky
Modern tower of Babel
Nerve centre of capitalism
With cloud bursting antenna
To receive signals from lesser gods

Born of grand hubris
Deliberately detached
From the world’s perpetual pain
With no sense of the tragic
For progress must continue
Despite contemporary hindrances

Monolithic glass structure
Penetrating the sky
Illuminated intermittingly
With the red, white and blue
Of a peculiar conception
Of freedom