Tuesday 31 August 2010

Gospel Truth

With no story behind this Good News

Didymos Judas, no tales

Of tall wonders that must be believed

Or else belief and faith fails,

No seed in an immaculate womb,

No Christ unearthed from within a tomb,

There is just the word. And the word is

Ahamkara: trinity

Of body, mind and soul obscuring

Glimmer of divinity

From which self-promotion turns its face,

Denying the sovereignty of grace.

Then the word is Monakos, courage

To stand apart, not follow

Well worn routes, nor find refuge in crowds.

Decline direction to go

A way unmapped, seeking novel signs

Only an adventurer divines.

And the word becomes Metanoia,

An absolute need to know,

Blindness being transformed into clear sight

When light chases the shadow

Of fear away. Don’t simply believe

What all too readily can deceive.

No empyrean above the stars,

No infernal realm beneath,

No strict words of God in testaments

Voiced by prophets through clenched teeth.

For scripture cannot make Man of ape,

Only reason, reason and agape.

Dave Alton