Saturday 31 January 2015


We are floating in cyberspace

We are floating in cyber space
We are liberated from
The weight of the past
And its rigid tribal claims

We are floating in cyber space
We are dazzled by advertising
As we surf over chaos
We no longer need to decipher
Ancient symbols and signs

We are floating in cyberspace
Where images chase each other
Like reflections on the water
Illusory worlds glitter like diamonds

We are floating in cyberspace
The endless transmission of ideas
Across oceans and borders
And back ought to unite us

We are floating in cyberspace
Free to dream forever
Free to construct new identities
As the omniscient eyes of surveillance
Chart our progress under the stars

From Eden To Las Vegas

The world began in Eden
And ended in Las Vegas
From beautiful garden
To dazzling morgue

The world began
Snug in the soft feathers
Of holy innocence
Now it hides its needle marks

The world began
With Adam the first poet
Naming the animals
Now words are used
To sanctify advertising
And other disreputable arts

As the old order evaporates
New symbols sneer and snarl
Now gadgets and pills
Have replaced the profound peace
Of the paraclete
And love is only ripe for a season

The world began
With waves of hope
Now there is only a pinprick
Of light in the darkness
As we caress our smart phones
Like rosary beads
The world began in Eden
And ended in Las Vegas

Another world

Another world
Lies beyond the horizon
It is just a matter
Of striving for it

Another world
Is not only possible
She is on her way
On a quiet day
I can hear her breathing
I can smell her sweet perfume

Spring similies

It’s like a ghost
Entering my soul
When I recall
A nursery lullaby

It’s like a light
Railing against
The starless night
When I look into your eyes

It’s like a birth
In the midst of death
When I scratch
Black marks on white paper

It will be like a rainbow
After the hard rain
When I create
My masterpiece

For now I am content

I’d love to write a poem
Of such translucent beauty
That it would melt the stars
And make the moon bleed
I’d love to discover imagery
That would make the gods weep

But for now I am content
To carry on with my craft
In the hope that a slither of sun
Can be caught in my net
In this shifting world where
Ideal form is so elusive

Dear Old Blighty

They claim a bit of pomp & ceremony
Brightens up our little lives for a while
Some people get their kicks when they’re waving flags
At some gilded Jubilee or lavish Wedding
And the media magnifies the general mood
Of proper, patriotic sentiment
Whilst real events that affect real lives
Remain largely unreported it seems

I’m tired of modern bread and circuses
I’m truly bored of cardboard commentators
We may think we’re so middle class and free now
But deep down we’re still peasants in brand new guise
Mere subjects of the Crown not citizens
Passive observers of the general malaise
So lie back and dream whilst knowing your place
As for me I’ll be emigrating soon


It’s a kind of hell when innocence dies
To dread the coming of the morning sun
When once childhood dreams were wrapped around it
Prozac always dulls the pain but kills the joy
Catholic heaven seems so far removed
From this modern age of twilight idols
And love’s sweet promise turns bitter & ugly
In the black mirror of the simulacrum
Where flesh prevails utterly over spirit
Where teeming nature becomes a brazen whore

Conformists versus creators

Everyone’s an A* student nowadays
But how many possess true wisdom?
It seems information has far exceeded
The rare fruits of knowledge that make a culture
And those crude school league tables don’t impress me
It’s really just a mad race to the bottom
How many are there who can think critically?
Or, better still, engage in nuanced debate?
How many can spin a telling turn of phrase?
Or create a monumental work of art?
Sometimes I despair of this maddening world
There are too many ‘Yes’ men chasing carrots
Believing that they can climb the golden ladder
But there are so few creators blessed with Vision